Saturday, July 25, 2009

Keep it forever, remember me always.

This used to be a very common sentence in my everyday life. I think it was my old friend Joey who first said this to me. Him, his girlfriend (who was my best friend at the time, they both were) and I were walking around Punxsy. While on our walk he found two very small air soft gun pellets? Bullets? Whatever. He picked them both up and said, "Keep this forever, remember me always. Now this was really something for him to say. He was not a emotional guy. He was the jock of our group and didn't really show emotion, I think that is why we got along so well. When he said that to me I put it in my pocket and the second I got home I put it in one of my many memory boxes. I still have it to this day even though this has been about 6 years ago and I don't really talk to him much anymore.

After that it kind of became our thing. We would find random things and give it to one of the others and say that sentence. It was about everytime we hung out someone got something to keep forever. Most of the stuff was food and we just ate it believing we would keep it always in us but others were not. I have many things from those to people that I truly still love. I kind of wish we never drifted apart. We didn't fight or anything it is just growing up. After I went to college Jamie (Joeys girlfriend) started hanging out with a different crowd. A very bad crowd in my opinion. And Joey and her broke up before that and the same happened with him. Growing into adults is a hard task and I will always charich the time I had with them as teenagers.

I started thinking about this for two reasons. 1. My pants ripped today. Now that might seem stupid but my thing was that when the bottom of my jeans ripped off I would give it to one of them and say that. We all had braclets of the bottoms of each others jeans. It was kind of our inside joke about being so short. We were all under 5'6". 2. I started to pack a package to send to a good friend of mine and although it was something I made I wanted to make it a little more personal. Why not make the best of sending a package across the continental US? So I am trying to find something to send him with that sentence.

I find that friends don't always last forever but somethings will. Then you can look back on them with fond memories. =D

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